Do you feel as though you've talked enough, cried enough and done loads of personal development yourself yet something still needs to shift..


Be guided on a highly personalized individual or couple transformational experience

Let’s shed the patterns, beliefs and emotional burdens that aren’t yours to carry so that you can feel the blessings flowing through your family systems and embody the fullness of who you are.

Be authentically you in your relationships and create rippling impacts as you step into new possibilities, living your life forward fully and completely.

This is a perfect fit for individuals or couples.

One of the best parts of this inner work is that you don’t need family participation to heal generations past and generations to come. Legacy is living within you, waiting to ripple out in both directions so that everyone you love, those you have lost and those waiting to come can be connected to their inner strength and authentic belonging.

Your Personalized Individual or Couple Journey

The Awaken Luminous Love Program

6 month highly personalized individual or couple transformational experience with the added bonus of a group cohort as well as an ongoing community to support your liberating journey. 

What you will experience


Unravel the known and unknown generational patterns, cycles and entanglements that aren’t serving you, your relationships or your health;


Create subtle profound energetic shifts for you so that you can be a catalyst for change, in a safe loving container in which you will feel held as you seek the deeper truth and the healing that awaits within that;


Hand back the energetic emotional and mental burdens of others so that you strengthen yourself, strengthen them and strengthen your entire family system;


Experience liberation as you feel the inner strength, confidence, loving support and blessings flowing through your family systems from one generation to the next, and step into new possibilities;


Reconnect with who you truly are and the innate love, wholeness and wisdom that lives within you, so that you can live your life forward, fully and completely by being authentically you in your relationships and doing what you love.



Genograms - Family Constellations

Be guided on a journey to redress systemic root issues, using transgenerational systemic coaching methods and family constellations inspired by the work of Bert Hellinger and  quantum morphogenetic field theory of Rupert Sheldrake. 

Family Constellations

Proven Step-by-step Processes

The Pearls of Luminous Love Framework


The Pearls of Luminous Love Framework

At the core of the Pearls of Luminous Love Framework is the PEARLS Method where throughout the journey we look at Personality, Energetics, Alignment, Relationships, Legacy and Skills.


Step 1: Lighten Your Load – Shed old energetic patterns and imprints and start to untie those entanglements, create a sense of belonging within the natural hierarchy of the systems you belong to and release burdens that aren’t yours to carry so that you feel lighter.


Step 2: Love Your Luminessence – Unlock the blessings within your family systems and reconnect with the essence of you so that you can embody your wholeness and step into the fullness of who you truly are, which you can then bring into your relationships and pass these gifts onto your children and future generations.


Step 3: Live Your Legacy – Step into living your life forward, fully and completely; illuminate your values and create rippling impacts by being authentically you in your relationships and doing what you love. With the added bonus of feeling internally empowered and resourced with the new insights that you’ve gained throughout this liberating experience. 




Let’s Create Your Energetic Shifts

Unravel from what’s not yours to carry so you’re free to be you in your relationships

Are You Tired of

Feeling despondent, fatigued, guilty and weighed down?

Where everyone looks to you to fix things because you’ve been the one sorting things out for so long, partly because you want to make the issues go away and you want to keep others happy… that now the expectations of others and the roles you’ve taken on have literally taken over.

Feeling disconnected from who you are and what you really desire?

You’ve been so focused on others and what they want while trying to hold things together that you’ve lost touch with who you are and what really lights you up. No matter what you try, you feel stuck and something seems to be in the way of you being authentically you and living your life.


Feeling as though you’re in a holding pattern in your relationships?

You’ve recognized imprinted and conditioned patterns repeating themselves with your family systems and awareness of it just isn’t enough. You feel as though you’ve talked enough, cried enough and done loads of personal development yourself yet something still needs to shift.

You experience habitual unconscious reactions to things that are said or misinterpreted, which actually create more unnecessary tension, arguments and hurt because of the underlying unhealed wound, fear or beliefs that trigger and keep you stuck in these loops.

Perhaps you’ve even started noticing how your children are doing the very thing you’ve done so much personal healing work around and there are generational burdens that they too may be carrying and you just wish you knew how to help them without taking the whole family to therapy. 


How It Works

Awaken Luminous Love

Complete the Application Form


Select the ‘Apply Now’ button to complete the application form and book a free, no obligation, 30 minute zoom call with me. In the call, discover if this program is right for you and if we’ll be a good fit working together. As my coaching programs guarantee results, it is equally important for me to ensure I only work with those who are fully committed to showing up for the live calls and doing the inner work to experience the lasting results.

Awaken Luminous Love Personalized Journey


Before we dive in, we will discuss an overview of your family dynamics; and the specific areas in your relationships, your business and in your life that you want to work on. Once we know where we are starting, we will also discover/ confirm your Enneagram type so you’ll experience a highly customized Awaken Luminous Love Personalized Journey designed specifically just for YOU or for YOU & YOUR PARTNER!

Highly Personalized & Group Experience


As you go through the program you’ll also be part of a group cohort – we’ll have regular group live zoom coaching calls, group constellations and Q&A’s.

In between the group calls you’ll have individual and/ couple sessions so we get to redress your specific challenges and customize your experience for the most optimized results. We’ll track your progress. You’ll also have access to me via email and messaging between our weekly calls.



We are creating a Movement and so once you’ve joined the Awaken Luminous Love Program you will also be a member of the community where we will have monthly group constellations/ Q&A calls.




“It’s not always easy to know where to begin when it comes to transforming old patterns that we didn’t consciously take on ourselves. It can feel like we are run by our patterns and inherited beliefs. Yvette has been the most gentle guide on the journey of uncovering and transforming the deeply held beliefs and patterns that are not serving me here and now. She has made the whole process feel light and simple. Even during challenging moments, Yvette holds the most kind and reassuring space for me to process and shift. She cares so deeply about every single client and she allows the process to be fluid and to unfold in its own way, while gently guiding and facilitating life-changing insights.”

Sophia Grobler

“My partner, Sophia and I started working with Yvette because we were struggling with connections to our immediate family and more distant heritage, as well as troubling communication issues within the relationship. It was surprising how being gently led through the family constellation processes seemed to release old baggage and have a harmonizing effect on many areas of our lives. Continuing to work with her one on one, I uncovered more inner obstacles that were a shadow on my life experience — aggravating my depression and injuring my self-esteem. After a session with Yvette I feel empowered and lighter. The changes that occur over the next week or two are often subtle, but very profound. It feels like we are working through issues on a deep, energetic level. Thank you Yvette, for your kind soul and skillful guidance!”

Shams Nelson

“I’ve had several sessions with Yvette to work through and heal some deep rooted family trauma that was holding me back from connecting to my identity and purpose. Working with Yvette has empowered me to better understand myself, my family dynamics and gain clarity which has helped me to move forward with both my life and business. Throughout the sessions, I always felt completely safe and supported by Yvette who was always kind, calm and compassionate. Yvette is highly knowledgeable and experienced, and was therefore great at explaining concepts and guiding me through visualisations and exercises. Thank you Yvette for all you have done for me! I’m so grateful and blessed to have had the opportunity to work with you.”

Gina Kaye

“I’ve had two online sessions with Yvette. The first one helped me to look into my true purpose and the second was to find out my Enneagram type. Both sessions were so informative, well planned out and really gave me clarity in areas I needed it. She helped me to find the answers I was looking for which in turn have helped me to move passed certain obstacles I was struggling with. Yvette is passionate and caring and truly wants to empower others to better their relationships with themselves and others! Thank you Yvette, for being so present during our sessions and for your calm nature. Chatting with you is so easy and effortless!”

Clare Emms

Let’s Connect

Contact Me

If you have questions about the Awaken Luminous Love Program that you’d like to discuss, please contact me

© Yvette Duncan

Systemic Family Constellations, Enneagram and Couple Relationships Coaching & Training

+27 83 320 4518