Coaching Program

Coaching Program

Supporting You on Your Journey

Awaken Luminous Love

Be guided on a liberating journey of shedding the patterns and emotional burdens that aren’t yours to carry so that you can feel the blessings flowing through your family systems and embody the fullness of who you truly are.

Be authentically you in your relationships and create rippling impacts as you step into new possibilities and live your life forward, fully and completely.

This is a perfect fit for individuals or couples.

Let's Connect

Contact Me

If you'd love to find out more about the Awaken Luminous Love program, any of the ICF Accredited Coaching Certifications or else for Collaborations, Guest Trainings or Podcast Interviews, please contact me

© Yvette Duncan

Systemic Family Constellations, Enneagram and Couple Relationships Coaching & Training

+27 83 320 4518