The Enneagram & Systemic Family Relationships
We’re all born with an existing operating system – a core Enneagram type and a Systemic family imprint.
The Enneagram
The Enneagram is a profound and dynamic personality system that provides you with a map for your personal growth and transformation.
Among the many benefits, it allows you to turn your inner obstacles into inner strengths, shows you how to be the most radiant, healthiest version of yourself and improve how you relate to others.
The nine types are grouped into three triads, referred to as the “3 Personality Pearls” in the InnerLifeSkills methodology. Just as pearls are formed around an irritant inside of an oyster, so do our personality types form around a core irritant – a grain of sand, that we each respond to in our own way. The underlying reason for our behaviour is the grain of sand – WHY we do what we do!

The Enneagram helps you to understand WHY you think, feel and handle things the way you do, especially when you’re under stress.. and gives you a growth map to be the most luminous, healthiest version of yourself!
It also enables you to communicate more effectively and resolve conflict quicker without taking personality personally. Even ‘mysterious’ people become easier to understand.
Family Systems
Using transgenerational Systemic coaching methods inspired by Family Constellation work of Bert Hellinger; and groundbreaking research into Quantum theories – Systemic and personal healing, growth and real lasting change comes when you’re able to break free of often unconscious habitual & generational patterns, entanglements and hurt – affecting your relationships, your success and your health.
By redressing systemic root issues and restoring flow within the family systems you belong to – you free yourself from generational burdens. You also free your children from family baggage so they can claim their own destiny. Once the natural flow has been restored, you’ll be free to receive the gifts of your family systems and pass these gifts onto your children and future generations.
“When the family has been brought into its natural order, the individual can leave it behind him while still feeling the strength of his family supporting him. Only when the connection to his family is acknowledged, and the person’s responsibility seen clearly and then distributed, can the individual feel unburdened and go about his personal affairs without anything from the past weighing him down or holding him back.” – Bert Hellinger
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