My Story

Strong Lasting Bonds

At The Heart of Our Family


Not a day goes by that I don’t think about how truly blessed I am.  To have had the most incredible Grandparents, my life has been forever shaped by their love.

They touched my deep inner being in a way that I aspire to pass on their legacy and be a source of love and true belonging to my two Sons.

I learned that I was wanted and appreciated just as I am… this is a priceless gift many do not receive, especially in childhood. I want to share this with everyone, which is one reason you and I are connecting now.

Although my Dad’s Parents are no longer physically here, the love and connection we shared will always remain at the heart of our family.

The values they instilled in me, with their consistent loving presence and warmth, lay the foundation of strong lasting connections. I learned that connection is not only safe, it is a reliable place to return to throughout any challenge or triumph.

I will always remember my Great-Granny’s and all the time we spent together with my Grandparents and Parents, as well as all the memories and stories of those that came before me.

The unconditional love I feel with my Parents, Sister and Brother is one of the greatest gifts that I’ve brought into my new family.

Love is here to be shared.

My Vision - Yvette Duncan, Pearls of Luminous Love

I know this isn’t the case for everyone…

Even with a loving upbringing, there have been plenty of challenges.


As with most of us, outdated belief systems, misguided loyalties, unconscious family patterns and burdens that I was carrying that weren’t all mine have shown up in my romantic relationships and in other areas.

It’s been through health scares, relationship pain and major confusion that I have stepped into the inner work to learn what was happening and discovering how to resolve it.

I know I’m not the only one who would agree that there’s nothing quite like romantic relationships to highlight areas of growth.

Feeling misunderstood and not knowing how to articulate and communicate how I felt has led to some upsetting and unsettling arguments or ruptures in close and romantic relationships.

It’s so painful to feel confused and disconnected with loved ones.

This has been especially true in relationships outside of my family of origin, when I didn’t know what reaction to expect or what was going to be dismissed which often brought up my own insecurities and unexplained fear of abandonment. There was a feeling of conditional love and that I had to be a good girl and behave in a certain way that I started repressing and suppressing how I truly felt.

Have you ever..


felt the pressure to ‘keep the peace’ when you really want to confront a boundary that was crossed with you?


wanted to say something but not known how to articulate and express how you really feel without it being misinterpreted and taken personally? 


been ‘shut down’ when you have tried to voice how you feel?


been made to feel like you have to keep quiet, so you repress and suppress how you truly feel so other people feel comfortable?


Yet not saying anything also creates internal unsettling turmoil within you..

And no matter what you do, it just seems to create more unnecessary tension, arguments and hurt which leaves you feeling disconnected anyway!

Maya Angelou

Transformational Insights

Deep Inner Work

This pain led me to sign up for a 6 month inner personal development program for my own healing which was so transformational that I continued along the path to become a master coach and now also a trainer of this deep inner work – empowering my clients as well as coaches to bring this incredible work to others.

During the 6 month inner personal development program, among many other amazing intuition, personal power, relationship, family, purpose and dream builder processes, tools and insights, we were introduced to the Enneagram and Systemic Family Dynamic Relationship processes.

These two very profound and dynamic systems of thought offer deep transformational insights, which can empower you to create lasting changes in your relationships, health, business and life.


With my depth and love of knowledge, philosophy and being naturally drawn to seeing the interrelatedness between seemingly unrelated things and patterns, as well as how systems fit and work together – as a Business Systems Analyst at the time – I became fascinated in the Enneagram and Systemic Family Processes and Constellations.



The Enneagram has been such an invaluable tool in my life to understand and put into words why we all feel, think and act the way we do.

It has enabled me to relate and communicate more effectively within my relationships and to resolve conflict quicker without taking personality personally.

Among the many benefits, the Enneagram also provides you with a map for your personal growth and allows you to turn your inner obstacles into inner strengths. Alongside my Husband, using this tool continues to support us as a family as we grow with one another, shedding light on what can best serve our Children in their journeys in discovering who they are, as well as us as a couple. 

Systemic Family Dynamic Processes and Constellations have created significant energetic shifts in my life. I had no idea there was so much to uncover, discover and reframe because I had a loving upbringing.

The ‘dis-ease’ of not feeling able to express how I truly felt, in relationships outside of my family of origin, physically manifested in my body and has been the catalyst for my own growth and healing. 

Systemic Family System

Along with relationship struggles, physical illness brought me face to face with what I needed.

The physical body holds memory and points us to where we need to heal…

How could this be that my Mom and I have both had thyroid and kidney cancer, with no other genetic history of thyroid and kidney cancer in our family?!

My Journey of Growth & Wholeness

What really matters?

How do you want to live your life?

What legacy do you want to live and leave?

My health hurdles have taught me so much and really put things into perspective. These experiences have been the catalysts for my healing and growth.

In 2009, I had a total thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid carcinoma and had radioactive iodine treatment. When my thyroid was removed, my parathyroid glands were accidentally destroyed/ removed, resulting in hypoparathyroidism.

To regulate my calcium and phosphorus levels, I take large daily quantities of calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin d and a diuretic.

In 2013, I was overdosed on vitamin d. It’s a miracle I’m alive!

I was rushed to another hospital for close observation in ICU because of acute renal failure and other severe complications. 

While I was in ICU, I missed my Eldest Son’s first steps.

I felt so weak, with constant tingling and twitching in my face. I remember sitting outside crying and gasping for air whenever I was battling to breathe.

It took months for my calcium levels to stabilize again and for me to feel strong enough to take care of our Son on my own, while my Husband was at work.

It’s so easy to take your health and time with your children for granted.

I’m so grateful for having had invaluable coaching tools and processes to work through during this time of deep reflection, personal growth and healing.

In 2019, after going for a routine CT scan to check for kidney stones, the tears rolled down my cheeks while I was trying to process everything my Doctor was saying, as he explained over the phone, a bosniak 4 cyst had been found on my right kidney.

How?  Why?  This can’t be?  What does this mean?

..I have two young boys.

I phoned my Mom and as I heard her voice, I burst into tears. How could this be that my Mom and I have both had thyroid and kidney cancer?

Now what? 

Having known what my Mom had gone through when she had kidney cancer, I was scared not knowing what to expect and how to process this news. The following week I had the cyst removed. I still feel so incredibly blessed that the malignant cyst was discovered when it was!

Family Constellation

A few months before finding out I had a malignant kidney cyst, I had felt the urge to book another Family Constellation as I was feeling stuck in my business.

Little did I know, the Family Constellation would be two days before having the malignant kidney cyst removed. 

I really just wanted to constellate what was ‘standing in the way’ of me growing my business. So we started with my present self and my future self – before we knew it, we were constellating my Mom’s side of the family again.

I was carrying burdens that weren’t mine to carry… So with love and compassion, I lovingly handed those burdens back.

Since then, I feel closer to my Mom and I no longer feel stuck!

As I continue to grow and energetically shift things as new layers of healing unfold, I’ve become fascinated in also understanding and sharing how Epigenetics plays a role in our overall health and well-being.

Releasing What No Longer Serves You

As I started becoming aware of the generational patterns & burdens that were affecting my relationships and health, I started noticing belief systems & patterns within my family systems.


Through redressing systemic root issues & restoring flow within my family dynamics, I have felt safe to release what no longer serves me or was never mine.

Over the years I’ve become more aware of imprinted and conditioned patterns, belief systems and misguided loyalties repeating themselves within my own family and within my Husband’s family, especially since having Children.

Seeing in our Children some of the very things I’ve done personal development and healing around and noticing patterns and belief systems within my Husband’s family too and how they are showing up in our Sons.

Especially where habitual unconscious reactions to things that are said or misinterpreted, actually create more unnecessary tension, arguments and hurt because of the underlying unhealed wound, fear or beliefs that get triggered and can keep us stuck in these loops.

In the process of re-patterning and releasing what no longer served me, I’ve also unraveled cycles of generational burdens so my children don’t carry the family baggage and can claim their own destinies.

This approach is subtle yet profoundly powerful, which is just what I needed and most of my clients do, too.

The energetic shifts that you experience may feel subtle in the moment but then noticing how that then unfolds between our sessions and then looking back you’ll then realize how profound those shifts have actually been.

Although there is a framework, this isn’t always a linear process because we allow it to unfold organically for you. Suffering stops here! Are you eager to end cycles of shame, pain and blame in your family lines? 

One of the best parts of this inner work is that you don’t need family participation to heal generations past and generations to come. Legacy is living within you, waiting to ripple out in both directions so that everyone you love, those you have lost and those waiting to come can be connected to their inner strength and authentic belonging.

Let’s Create Your Energetic Shifts

Pearls of Luminous Love is a safe loving space for Healing, Transformational Insights, Belonging, Exploration, Authenticity and Connection.

I see you and I’m here to guide you, in a way that brings lightness to this work and allows you to step into new possibilities.


Together we’ll create a safe loving container in which you’ll feel held so that you can unravel the known and unknown generational patterns, cycles and entanglements that aren’t serving you, your relationships or your health.

Without getting stuck in the story, we’ll hold the intention to seek the deeper truth and the healing that awaits within that.

If you’re wanting to be guided through releasing the generational patterns and burdens that aren’t yours to carry so that you can reconnect with who it is that you truly are, then I invite you to Join the Pearls of Luminous Love Community.

Get Started

Join The Pearls of Luminous Love Community

A global community of growth-oriented women and couples. Receive transformational nuggets of loving wisdom and exclusive invites to online workshops and events.


Whether you’re looking for coaching on an individual/ couple level and or wanting to be trained to become a coach, I’m looking forward to connecting with you and supporting you along your journey.  

If you feel as though you’ve talked enough, cried enough and done loads of personal development yourself yet something still needs to shift..

..reach out to me so we can start creating the subtle profound energetic shifts for you, one step or even half a step at a time. 


Healing happens.

It’s time for you to feel it and to step into new possibilities!

With Love, Yvette

Professional Media Bio

Yvette Duncan, Founder of Pearls of Luminous Love is an International Enneagram and Systemic Family Relationship Master Coach and Trainer. She is also a Wife and Mother of two boys.

Growth oriented women and couples hire Yvette to unravel the known and unknown generational patterns, cycles and entanglements that aren’t serving them, their relationships, their business or their health. She guides them through releasing the burdens that aren’t theirs to carry so they are free to be their authentic self in their relationships and live their life forward fully and completely doing what they love.

With her depth and love of knowledge, philosophy and innate analytical ability, Yvette is naturally drawn to seeing the interrelatedness between seemingly unrelated things and patterns; and how systems fit and work together.

Her signature “Awaken Luminous Love” program is a highly personalized transformational experience which includes a beautiful holistic blend of the Enneagram, Systemic Family Processes and Constellations, Relationship Coaching, Purpose Coaching as well as Philosophy and Epigenetic insights to create lasting change in your life.

Yvette also offers Live Zoom Training for ICF accredited Enneagram Coach, Systemic Family Dynamic Coach and Relationship Coach Certifications. 


Ways We Can

Work Together

Awaken Luminous Love


Be guided on a liberating journey of shedding the patterns and emotional burdens that aren’t yours to carry so that you can feel the blessings flowing through your family systems and embody the fullness of who you truly are.

Be authentically you in your relationships and create rippling impacts as you step into new possibilities and live your life forward, fully and completely.

This is the perfect fit for individuals or couples.

Get Your Certifications

Start your own coaching business or add sought-after ICF accredited Enneagram Coaching/ Systemic Family Dynamic Coaching/ Relationship Coaching to your existing services.

Optional Personalized Business Coaching & Mentoring add-on. How to package Enneagram/Systemic Family Dynamic Coaching/ Relationship Coaching in your business. Aligning what you love & stepping into turning your ideas into reality. 

Let's Connect

Contact Me

If you'd love to find out more about the Awaken Luminous Love program, any of the ICF Accredited Coaching Certifications or else for Collaborations, Guest Trainings or Podcast Interviews, please contact me

© Yvette Duncan

Systemic Family Constellations, Enneagram and Couple Relationships Coaching & Training

+27 83 320 4518