ICF Accredited Certification

Become a Certified Systemic Family Dynamic Coach

3 Week Certification Program

ILS Systemic Coach

ICF Accredited

InnerLifeSkills Systemic Family Dynamic Coach Certification

Live Weekly Zoom Training Calls 

& Access to InnerLifeSkills Online Training Material 

Start your own Systemic Family Dynamic Coaching Business or Add sought-after Professional Systemic Family Dynamic Coaching to your existing services.

Change lives by working with family, team and other group dynamics.

Restore Flow and Harmony

Empowering You & Your Clients


In this 3 Week Certification Course, you’ll learn how to:


Coach family dynamics and team cohesion using cutting edge transgenerational Systemic coaching methods – inspired by the Family Constellation & Organisational Constellation work of Bert Hellinger; and based on the groundbreaking research into Quantum theories of interconnectedness, wholeness and entanglement;


Work with key issues of ‘belonging’, ‘placement’, the handing back of ‘burdens’ and how to receive the ‘gifts’ of groups;


Coach your clients using the ILS 4 Step Systems Method to redress systemic root issues and restore the natural flow in the systems they belong to;


Help your clients with their personal growth, taking their development to the next level;


Coach your clients to free themselves and their children from generational burdens and to pass on the gifts to future generations.

ILS 4 Step Systems Coaching
ILS 4 Step Systems Coaching Nuggets

Proven Step-by-step Processes

InnerLifeSkills Methodologies,  Frameworks & Worksheets



ILS River of Life – restoring flow so you can receive the gifts from the river of life;


ILS Ripples – to understand the ripples of collective fields;


ILS 4 Step Systems Coaching Method – Belonging, Placement, Burdens and Gifts. Includes process worksheets;


ILS Order and Control – redress placement issues;


Guided visualisations to hand back family burdens;


Quantum reality;


ILS Untouchable self.

How It Works

Become a Certified Systemic Family Dynamic Coach



Complete the form and registration process. You’ll then receive an email from me with the Zoom link for our Live Trainings. You’ll also receive your login details to access the InnerLifeSkills Online Training Material which includes a lovely Quick Reference Manual with ready-to-use worksheets.

Receive Training

3 Weeks of Live Zoom Training Classes with me (9 hours). This is a wonderful opportunity to deepen your understanding and have your questions answered in real time. You’ll also have access to the InnerLifeSkills Online Training Material for you to go through in your own time.

Get Certified

Once we’ve completed the 9 hours of Live Training, you’ll complete your Online Theory Assessment and Receive your ILS Systemic Family Dynamic Coach Certification.

Your Business

This is an Optional Add-on. Personalized Business  Coaching & Mentoring.  Guidance on how to apply and package Systemic Family Dynamic Coaching in your new coaching business or add Systemic Family Dynamic Coaching to your existing services. Aligning what you love and want to offer with Systemic work. And turn your ideas into reality!

Meet Your Systemic Family Dynamic Coach Teachers


Founder of InnerLifeSkills, Author ICF MCC Master Coach

Colleen-Joy is the voice behind InnerLifeSkills and the creator of the ICF Accredited InnerLifeSkills Systemic Coach Certification. She also co-wrote a book with Dr Pam Roux titled, “Bloodlines & Baggage – why we can’t drop our family baggage on our own. And how we can.”

Colleen will take you through the teachings in the online InnerLifeSkills Training material, that you’ll get access to once you’re enrolled. Colleen and her team will mark your assessment and issue you with your ILS Systemic Coach Certificate.


Yvette Duncan

InnerLifeSkills Enneagram & Systemic Family Dynamic Master Coach Trainer

Yvette is a Licensed InnerLifeSkills Systemic Family Dynamic Coach Trainer. Over the last 10 years, she has experienced significant shifts from constellating and participating in several Family Constellations. Yvette has also received additional training to facilitate Systemic and Family Constellations.

Yvette will be your Systemic Family Dynamic Coach Trainer and bring the power of Systemic work to life in the Live Zoom Training calls. The time you’ll spend together is also a wonderful opportunity for you to get your questions answered in real time.

Let’s Connect

Contact Me

If you have questions about the Systemic Family Dynamic Coach Certification Program that you’d like to discuss, please contact me

© Yvette Duncan

Systemic Family Constellations, Enneagram and Couple Relationships Coaching & Training



+27 83 320 4518